For 35 years, Steve Jobs was the most interesting guy in Silicon Valley. He went from cocky hustler to exiled wanderer to returned champion, but he never really left the spotlight. And why would he? No one was better at using the cameras to their advantage, at least not in Jobs' world. Here's a selection of highlights—products, outfits, hair styles—from Jobs' long and varied career.

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Far left: Jobs in 1976. Center and right: Jobs in 1984. [Photos via AP]

Steve Jobs with John Sculley and Steve Wozniak in 1984. [Photo via Getty]

Steve Jobs introduces the NeXT computer in 1988. [Photo via AP]

Jobs at a NeXT workstation in 1991. [Photo via AP]

Steve Jobs in 1993. [Photo via AP]

Jobs at a press conference with ex-Apple chairman Gil Amelio in 1996. [Photo via AP]

Jobs in 1997. [Photo via AP]

Steve Jobs shows off OS X at a press conference in 1999. [Photo via AP]

Steve Jobs at MacWorld in 2001. [Photo via Getty]

Steve Jobs shows off the iBook at MacWorld in 2001. [Photo via AP]

Steve Jobs shows off a mini iPod at MacWorld in 2004. [Photo via Getty]

Steve Jobs demos a flat panel screen in 2004. [Photo via Getty]

Steve Jobs demonstrates Apple TV at MacWorld in 2007. [Photo via AP]

Steve Jobs shows off the MacBook Air in 2008. [Photo via AP]

Steve Jobs and Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger at a signing ceremony at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto to create the nation's first living donor registry for kidney transplants. [Photo via AP]

Steve Jobs in 2010. [Photo via AP]