Anonymous Wants To Conquer Twitter Trends Next

Online attack mob Anonymous famously built software enabling basically anyone to launch a denial of service attack and help crash a website. Now the group has point-and-shoot software for hijacking Twitter threads, too. Is nothing sacred?
A new tool called URGE lets an ordinary computer user flood a "trending topic" on Twitter with unrelated messages. The idea, an Anonymous member told the Daily Dot, is to sway the topic of conversation away from something trivial, like #JustinBieber, toward something Anonymous feels is more important, like #CivilLiberties — without breaking the law. Of course, URGE walks right up to the edge of violating Twitter's spam prohibition, letting users blast seven, but no more than seven, messages into a single topic. It's basically just a slightly tamer version of LOIC, the tool Anonymous members use to flood enemy websites with requests.
It sounds like the sort of tool that might come in handy if you were going to, say, rally a flash mob of demonstrators to a particular location to overwhelm transit police. Like at the Civic Center station of San Francisco's BART subway, 5 p.m. tonight, #TheMostCommonLies #BlackParentsQuotes #JustinBieber.