After being sent packing by his freedom-fighting Libyan soul brothers, UCLA math major Chris Jeon — seen in this video surrounded by slack-jawed Arab Springmates — is out of harm's way and heading back to the U.S. This according to a tweet from The National's Bradley Hope:

"Parents of #ChrisJeon told me he is safe and heading back soon. He was unaware that there had been any news about him for the last week."

Phew! Want to show Chris some solidarity without the hassle of chartering a flight to Libya armed with nothing but frosh chutzpah and a paperback edition of Shoulder-Mounted Rocket Launchers for Dummies? Click "like" on his Facebook fan page!

Or, better yet, watch this sizzle reel of Jeon and a friend shortly after having completed the Tough Mudder endurance competition. Is Oprah still doing that "search for the next talk show host" contest? We have a winner! Bear Grylls, eat your heart out.
