Summer flies by too fast. One second you're sweating on the front porch, watching neighborhood kids skip through open fire hydrants and eating soft serve cones covered in heroin-strength prescription painkillers — the next, it's Labor Day, your white pants are useless for another eight months, and the Staten Island ice cream guy is doing three-and-a-half:

Louis Scala Jr. sold soft-serve and hard drugs — $20-a-pop "oxy's" — out of his green-and-white Lickety Split truck, city Special Narcotics Prosecutor Bridget Brennan had said [...]

Scala, 29, the son of a Manhattan cop, pleaded guilty in Manhattan Supreme Court today to conspiracy and drug possession charges.

Man, kids today have it so easy. I remember when I'd have to save up all month just to ride my pennyfarthing to the neighborhood soda fountain for an opium malted. Ah sweet, sweet memories. [NYP, photo via, mugshot via NYP]