Now the cast of Glee has gone and enlisted David Bowie in its quest to ruin Fashion's Night Out, Anna Wintour's fake charity. Their first act as spokespeople for FNO is this video for Bowie's classic "Fashion." I wish I could hate it.

Sadly, it's actually a pretty good version of the song, with Lea Michele front and center getting her solo on while everyone struts and runways behind her in the finest couture. As far as advertisements for a night dedicated to making billion-dollar fashion conglomerates even more money it's really good—and it has a beat to it! At least Jane Lynch keeps it real at the end and shouts "Now go out and shop," at the end of the video. Sue Motherfucking Sylvester knows what this thing is all about. That said, it's going to be even that much harder to believe the lovable losers of Glee are the outcasts of their school class now that we know they are among Ms. Wintour's anointed few.

Oh, and if you would please send me everything that Artie is wearing in the video, that would be great. Thanks!