Seven years ago in Massachusetts, Bradford Wells married his long-time partner, Anthony John Makk. They have now been together for 19 years. Sometime this week — by Thursday at the latest — Anthony John Makk will be forcibly removed from the country. He is Australian, and the government has denied him permanent residency. Which it can do, because the federal government doesn't recognize same-sex marriage.

This would be awful enough, even if Bradford Wells wasn't a late-stage AIDS sufferer, and even if Anthony John Makk wasn't his sole caregiver.

But Bradford Wells is dying, and Anthony John Makk is his sole caregiver. An email from — where New Yorker Matthew Mackey is petitioning the Obama administration to intervene in Makk's case — explains the couple's plight:

Some days after leaving their home, Bradford is suddenly wracked with pain so severe that he can't walk. Anthony is the one who picks Bradford up wherever he is, takes him home, and nurses him. Bradford says he has no one else to care for him.

If Anthony is deported, Bradford will have to choose: Either he loses his health insurance and leaves the doctors prolonging his life — or he lives his last days without Anthony.

Family values in action.

Question: Would it be completely unreasonable for one of the anti-gay marriage folks — maybe a Michele Bachmann, or even a Brian S. Brown — to once, just once, express some outrage over this blatantly evil shit? To say something like: "You know, the gays are barbarians, and they're disordered, and God doesn't like them and neither do I, but even I'm embarrassed to live in a country where we're deporting a dying man's law-abiding companion?"

Because that would be really nice. Kind of affirm that we're all siblings under the skin. (Or "children of God," as they might put it.) Any chance it'll happen?