A 28 year-old in Louisiana was arrested for driving around a Wal-Mart parking lot with his penis exposed and leering at women entering and exiting the store. When stopped by police and asked about his state of undress, Travis Keen "stated he did have his penis out because of past experiences he had at Wal-Mart. Keen stated when he comes to Wal-Mart he gets aroused."

Is it the deals on Chinese-made electronics, elderly greeters, the company's exploitation of workers, or just the general atmosphere of the store that gets Mr. Keen off? He'll have to tell us after he posts the $5,000 bail on an obscenity charge. I kind of sympathize, though, because I get a similar feeling whenever I go to Barneys. Also, why are these public masturbators always kinda cute?

[The Smoking Gun, Wal-Mart image via Getty]