Have you heard of action star Luke Evans? Maybe not yet, but he's in a bunch of big upcoming action movies. That means its time for his PR team to shove him back in the closet. But that's going to be pretty tough since he's already talked about his boyfriends and love of gay porn.

Evans (no relation to Chris "Captain America" Evans, though we don't doubt he wouldn't mind having relations with him) is a former theater actor who is going to be costarring in some of the next few years hottest titles like The Hobbitt, The Three Musketeers, Immortals, and The Raven. He even got to sit on a Comic-Con panel with Kellan Lutz and Henry Cavill. Talk about a gay dream come true. The problem is it seems like someone wants Evans to go back in the closet.

In 2002, he was starring in the fagtastic Boy George musical Taboo in London, but playing a straight man. Here is what he told gay magazine The Advocate about coming out.

Well it was something I'd spoken to a lot of people about, including my boyfriend at the time—we've broken up now—but at the time when I just got Taboo, I knew that even though my part was a straight character, everybody knew me as a gay man and, in my life in London, I never tried to hide it.

Well, he may be hiding it now. Gay entertainment site AfterElton discovered his Wikipedia page has changed from saying he's openly gay to something more parsed and complicated.

Luke lives a private life and rarely speaks about his personal life. He has made it clear in the past that press and private life are very seperate[sic] and should never be mixed. There has been interest in an interview he did In 2002, while starring in Taboo, Evans was interviewed by The Advocate and spoke about his personal life. In the article Evans stated, "I knew that even though my part was a straight character everybody knew me as a gay man, and in my life in London I never tried to hide it. ... So I thought, Well, I'm going to have to be open. It's who I am. And if people don't like it, then I don't want their jobs."[3] In the last 10 years Luke Evans stance has always been to remain quietly dignified and focus solely on his career, family and friends which are incredibly important to him.

Now, even that has been removed. If only past articles were as easy to scrub as a Wikipedia page. No one can erase this interview with GayDarNation where Evans, then playing a gay pornstar in a play, talks about his love of homosexual smut, "I bought my first [gay porn] film when I was 15 and now I have a good collection and I add to it regularly. I research it almost every night!" When asked what makes a good gay porn star, he responded, "an enormous big fat cock!" That sounds pretty gay to us.

When AfterElton finally got a response from Evans PR flack about what was going on with his Wikipedia page and the status of his sexual orientation, here is what they said:

I do not comment on my client's personal lives in the media. As for Luke, he did so once, a long time ago when he was an inexperienced, young actor and now with maturity and hindsight, he has learned not to engage the press in his personal life again.

Did he steal that one directly from the Anderson Cooper playbook, or does it just seem like it? Not talking about his personal life is the least of it. Since giving these quotes and being packaged as a rough and tumble Hollywood leading man, Evans has been reportedly dating a woman and giving dodgy quotes to British Cosmo about how he's looking for a "special someone." Oh please, queen, no one is buying it. Even the article that mentions his date with a female PR exec (ahem) mentions that she is listed as "single" on Facebook as if to say, "We all know that tree has got the wrong bark, Mary."

Now, who knows, Evans may be bisexual or pansexual and he may have learned his lesson about opening up to crazy websites about his porn collection, but one thing is for sure: This guy is not straight. So, what's the big fucking deal? There's an ever-expanding list of actors who have been openly gay throughout their careers with a good deal of success, why not add Evans to that? While his orientation may turn off some audience members, we're sure even more will be turned off by being lied to. This man is playing a hobbit and a Greek god for criminy's sake! The only thing gayer than that is if he took a role as Liza Minnelli's personal masseur.

I honestly hope that Evans will do the right thing, fire his publicist, and at least talk a little bit about his personal life. It's going to take a lot to stand up to the homophobic Hollywood machinery, but remember this: the only thing worse than being in the closet is failing miserably at going back into it.

[AfterElton, Queerty; image via Getty]