Twitter Users Create World's Least Moving Tribute

In your finally Friday media column: Twitter is the worst, an online newspaper alternative folds (valiantly), "Apple buying Barnes & Noble" rumors, Current's CEO is out, and NBC poaches from ABC.
- What an incredibly moving way to pay tribute to the victims of the Norway massacre: one whole minute of "Twitter silence." One. Minute. Of Twitter silence. Jesus Christ.
- The Seattle PostGlobe, an online news site that was launched by journalism refugees after the Seattle Post-Intelligencer folded two years ago, is now folding itself. The site, predictably, never made any money. But it did put writing out there into the world, which is invaluable, and you can still read it here. So in that sense, it was all worthwhile, although let's not discount how much we all want money, come on.
- Does Apple want to buy Barnes & Noble? I have no idea, but let the speculation begin!
- Current TV CEO Mark Rosenthal is leaving the company after two years. So... they finally get somebody famous on their network, and that's when they fire the CEO, is that how it works? Sucks for you, Mark Rosenthal.
- Speaking of TV moves, ABC's director of talent recruitment and development Michelle Hord-White is leaving to join NBC. Reset the "favorites" list on your channels, Michelle Hord-White fans! Ugh, Fridays.