As if it weren't enough to ruin driving, drunks have now ruined puppies. DNAInfo reports on the West Village's drunk puppy buying epidemic:

"I feel like they always come in drunk," said Fernanda Moritz, the manager of Le Petite Puppy at 18 Christopher St. which has implemented a policy against letting customers buy—or even hold—animals if they've been drinking.

The shop is surrounded by bars, and Moritz said many of her would-be customers stop in after happy hour around 6 p.m.

"They come from there and say 'let's stop by to see the puppies,'" said Moritz.

That's terrible! And exactly what I would do, too, if I walked by a place called "Le Petite Puppy" while drunk. (Let us not speak of a certain 3AM incident involving a stray cat and a former roommate.) But this is bad, because when drunks bring home new pets, they end up with hungover puppy buyers' remorse and/or mistreating their temporary pooches:

Four-years ago on St. Patrick's Day, a couple came into [the West Village's Citipups] store and spent $3,500 on an English Bull Dog and a Miniature Pinscher. The morning after, the couple returned to the store, apologized to Jacoby, and gave the dogs back.

Moral of the Story: If you walk by a pet store while drunk, avert your eyes. If you see a lady selling puppies from a grocery cart, turn around and run. If you see a dachsund tied to a stop sign outside a bodega, just call 911 and report yourself now. [DNAinfo, image via Shutterstock]