[There was a video here]

In your loving Monday media column: Howie Kurtz sticks up for Ed Henry, Brian Stelter gets a book deal, Erik Wemple launches his blog, the NYT profiles the media's most already-profiled people, and the royal wedding saves magazines, momentarily.

  • Here is a hilarious-for-all-the-wrong-reasons clip of media conventional wisdom-spouter Howie Kurtz speaking out in defense of Ed Henry, the CNN reporter who recently moved to Fox News. Good use of time, Howie. The DC media is a mutual defense club, in which all members voraciously defend the reputations of one another, because no one else will. Hey, perhaps if you guys weren't so thoroughly despised, you wouldn't have to do that. And perhaps you'd be less despised if you all stopped stridently defending each other no matter what anyone did or said or reported. Toss the worst of yourselves overboard, DC press corps. It's the only way you're gonna make it.
  • NYT boy wonder reporter Brian Stelter is writing a book about morning television. How will he fit it in along with all the newspapering and Twittering and movie-starring and glamorous woman-dating? He just will. Don't ask questions. He can destroy you with one Tweet.
  • Longtime Washington City Paper editor and former editor of the Village Voice and TBD.com (for a collective three minutes) and overall DC media fixture Erik Wemple has finally launched his new media blog for the Washington Post. Sample day one critique of the NYT: "WHEREAS labels indicating "News Analysis" and "Opinion" are fussy and insulting to readers' intelligence..." says the guy with "A reported opinion blog on news media" in his blog title. We kid! He's A-OK with us, Erik Wemple is.
  • On Sunday, Jeremy Peters had a big profile of NYO owner Jared Kushner in the NYT Style section. Today, Jeremy Peters has a big profile of Andrew Breitbart in the Business section. What do these profiles have in common? They both would have been much more interesting two years ago.
  • The royal wedding reportedly generated an extra $31 million in revenues for the magazine industry. As long as this prince gets married every month, everything will be fine.