A second allegedly pimping professor has emerged in the case against David Flory, the physics professor arrested for running "virtual house of prostitution" Southwest Companions. Flory operated the escort database as a "hobby," and says he didn't profit from it.

Today, New Mexican authorities arrested former University of New Mexico President F. Chris Garcia (pictured at right) for promoting prostitution, tampering with evidence, and conspiracy. They say Garcia's arrest is part of the Southwest Companions case. Garcia is a 71-year-old political scientist and professor emeritus at UNM. Meanwhile, a 28-year-old New Mexico woman was arrested for attempting to bribe and intimidate a witness, also connected to the Southwest Companions case.

In addition to local law enforcement, the Secret Service is now involved due to a Colorado escort named Krispi Kreme, who could make this an interstate crime:

"We're looking at the interstate angle and potential wire fraud," said Special Agent Rich Ferretti. Police sources said Flory set up a site for, among others, "Krispi Kreme," a Colorado-based escort who promised to provide "a full girlfriend experience that will leave you breathless."

The NSFW website in question appears to be Krispi-Kreme.com.

Still no word on what kind of punishment the prosecution is seeking for these avuncular men, or others in the case. Flory is a professor at New Jersey's Fairleigh Dickinson University, but has a vacation home in Santa Fe. Authorities say Southwest Companions' members included 200 prostitutes with 1400 johns. [Gothamist, AP, NYPost, Images: Albuquerque Police, NSFW Krispi-Kreme.com, UofNM]

Previously: Pimping Professor Ran Cyber Prostitute Ring as 'Hobby'