Hello, Florida! How are you today? Oops! You're doing it on the beach. Erica Huerta, 21, and Steven Perry, 22, were arrested for engaging in "sexual activity for more than a half hour" on Treasure Island beach just before sunset on Monday. Yes, Steven Perry. (It's actually amazing how many Journey songs seem apropos to this story: "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'," "Girl Can't Help It," etc.)

They were in plain view of roughly fifty beachgoers and restaurant patrons, children among them. Thirty minutes of public sex is a lot for a child to process, Treasure Islanders! You might want to bring the curtain down a little more quickly next time.

You are now free to weigh in on whether or not you'd "hit" either "it." It has to be in public, though, with kids watching. [abcactionnews.com via Fark, mugshot via WTSP]