The Manhattan district attorney's office yesterday filed a transcript of 17 statements made by Dominique Strauss-Kahn during and after his arrest on sexual assault charges last month. The Times has details of the statement, a voluntary disclosure form, that should be presented to defense attorneys. So, what were DSK's first hours in custody like? It took him a little while to really figure out what was going on:

  • He thought the arresting detectives were hotel employees sent to hand deliver his cellphone that had been left behind. "Do you have my cellphone?" he asked. So bourgeois.
  • "These handcuffs are tight," he said. He also didn't like having his hands behind his back. We bet he didn't like the perp walk either.
  • It took him five hours to ask for a lawyer.
  • When DSK asked if he needed a lawyer, a detective replied: "It is your right to have one in this country if you want." That's what we here call Freedom. (emphasis mine)
  • Missed opportunities: "My attorney has told me not to talk. I was ready to talk." Foiled by super lawyer Benjamin Brafman!
  • He was very concerned about missing a meeting the next day (probably with German chancellor Angela Merkel.)

[Image via Getty]