It's Fleet Week, that time of year when ships all dock in New York and the Big Apple is swarmed with scores of horny naval men and Marines looking for a good time.

But it's not just the men in uniform looking to take advantage. The New York Daily News just discovered that gay men post ads on Craigslist trying to woo experimental sailors.

Breaking news: Gay men love a man in uniform and also enjoy hooking up on the internet. So now the NYDN is finally asking and telling about the annual tradition of posting hasty ads in Craigslist M4M section and sitting around waiting for replies that never materialize.

And then, of course, there are the sorts of posts that make Craigslist one of the Internet's seedier corners.

A 30-year-old man from the Financial District is looking for a man in uniform. "Tall (6'4"), white, fit, with a sailor fetish looking to hook up during fleet week," he writes.

A 29-year-old from midtown west has a particular build in mind: A "totally masc[uline], discreet, athlete (lacrosse, rowing), frat bro," he specifies.

What would really be news is if one of these anonymous come-ons actually netted a real, live sailor.

As it happens, this story comes on the same day that Vanity Fair decided to clue their Baby Boomer readers into Grindr, the now-ubiquitous gay cruising iPhone app that ranks prospects based on proximity. The mag calls it the "world's largest and scariest gay bar". Please, VF, you don't know anything. You can't go into a real gay bar without seeing the orange and black screen light up the face of every queen with a smart phone and a vodka soda. That's the really scary thing.

The worst part of VF's Grindr article is they question whether or not the app will work for straight people. Will you straight people please stop co-opting our fun for yourselves? While you're at it, stop telling the world all our dirty secrets. You're going to ruin it!

[Photo of members of the military in NYC today via Getty Images]