Under house arrest and awaiting trial for the alleged sexual assault of a chambermaid, Dominique Strauss-Kahn is living in a three-story TriBeCa townhouse. Before Strauss-Kahn moved in, the townhouse was used as a venue for corporate parties. I went to one! (You didn't think I partied there with him, did you? Way too dangerous.)

A zillion other bloggers and media people were there, too, because the party was for Dan Abrams' recently-launched website Mogulite. (Breaking: Dan Abrams shares party pad with DSK.) Since Strauss-Kahn moved into the place spur-of-the-moment, there's a good chance he took it fully furnished and decorated the same way it was at the Mogulite party. That means ol' Dominique lives among rhinestone-studded portraits of the stars of The Godfather and a giant exercise ball painted with images of various celebrities, pictured above. (Breaking: DSK to sit on Britney Spears' face.)

The place also has a built-in maid's room, hidden behind a sliding door that looks like a wall. Ominous. [Mogulite, PFRR, images via Trulia and @AlexMLeo]