Before Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for governor of California, he was busy impregnating "a longtime member of [his family's] household staff," according to a report in the Los Angeles Times and a statement from Schwarzenegger.

Part of his statement to the LAT:

"After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago," Schwarzenegger said Monday night in a statement issued to The Times in response to questions. "I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry."

There are few details of the "event" other than the fact that the unnamed staffer worked for the family for 20 years, Schwarzenegger supported the child financially from the start, and Shriver moved out of their Brentwood home after he admitted the child was his. And prior to Schwarzenegger's statement, the former staffer told the LAT that her ex-husband was the father of her child. After his statement, she decided not to comment. Speaking earlier this year to the paper about leaving her job, she said:

"I wanted to achieve my 20 years, then I asked to retire," she said, adding she received a severance payment and "left on good terms with them."

It's probably safe to say that Maria Shriver won't be writing any reference letters, at least.

[LAT; image via Getty]