Is Matt Lauer quitting Today, too? A day after TV Guide reported that his co-host Meredith Vieira plans on leaving at the end of her contract, Entertainment Tonight reports the same thing about Lauer. It must be Roker's fault, right?

Lauer's contract expires a year after Vieira's—on December 31, 2012—but ET speculates he may be looking to reunite with his former co-host Katie Couric, who's leaving CBS Evening News at the end of her contract, for a syndicated show. (Glenn Beck is quitting his dumb show, too, not that it has anything to do with Vieira, Couric or Lauer... that we know of.)

NBC has denied both TV Guide and ET's reports, and it seems pretty early for Lauer to be making definitive plans to leave the top-rated morning show. (On the other hand, he's been on the show since 1994, and we wouldn't blame him for wanting a change.) But if the rumors are true, NBC is going to be looking for some morning people, very soon. You should submit your resume!

[ET; image via AP]