Brooklyn Farming Kids Think They're Cooler than Brooklyn Band Kids

The trend of fashionable young Brooklynites either A) leaving Brooklyn to go work/ live on/ start a farm or B) participating in unlikely farming-related activities right here in the city (including, but not limited to: keeping of livestock, harvesting of chicken products, planting of gardens, or sociopathic devotion to neighborhood farmer's markets and their accoutrements) is so old, in trend years, that it's already been dissected from every possible angle by the New York Times, which is, itself, always several light years behind, in trend years. The trend has now moved to a post-trend media outlet unconcerned with being judged by those who define themselves by their participation in trends: the New York Post.
What's noteworthy is not the story, per se—the Post is constantly in search of ridiculous totems of fauxhemian life to dangle before its mouth-breathing Long Island readership, to gin up hatred—rather, it's the fact that the paper has found an urban farming representative from Greenpoint to unwittingly start a TREND WAR:
"I don't mean to sound arrogant, but New York needs more people like me. It doesn't need more musicians who think their band is the best . . . It needs more people who are going to bring something new to the city."
Hear that, young musicians? Your trend sucks, it's all about urban farming. Are you just going to mope around and take that? Or are you going to compose a song about it, and make a video for that song, set in McCarren Park, and email it to me?