Would You See An M. Night Shyamalan Movie Starring Will and Jaden Smith?

[Biggest Star in the Universe] + [Cornrowed Product of His Seed*] + [Widely Loathed Director Addicted to Twist Endings] = Apocalypse Soon.
That's the Hollywood math many are saying will hasten the end of the world. But in reality, the news that M. Night Shyamalan will direct Will and Jaden Smith in a "scary science-fiction film" will probably just result in a movie you won't want to see. Or might you?
According to the press release from Sony Pictures — a studio neck-deep "in the Smith business," as they say — Shyamalan has lured both to star in his tale about a father and son who return to Earth a thousand years after it's abandoned by the human race. If it indeed gets the greenlight, this will mark the elder Smith's follow-up to the iffy-sounding Men in Black III (stalled due to re-writes) and Shyamalan's first project since 2010's The Last Airbender (winner of five Razzies, including Worst Picture).
Really, the most promising thing in this equation is Jaden, who nunchuked off legions of haters to guide The Karate Kid to box office victory. By the time Untitled Post-Apocalyptic Smith Family Project with Vaguely Hubbardian Undertones rolls into theaters in 2013 (maybe even ‘14?), the whole thing could well rest on his shoulders. Hopefully puberty won't hit him too hard with a gawky stick.
*Not the hair-whipping one.