The U.S. will no longer support jerkoff Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, The New York Times reports, and is actively negotiating for his departure. Which is good, we guess, insofar as Saleh was a brutal, repressive autocrat whose people have been calling for his resignation (or more) for weeks; on the other hand, the deal seems to be that his vice-president will take power until elections are held, an outcome that's unlikely to pacify Yemen's angry protestors. Oh, and, terrorism: One reason the U.S. hasn't called for Saleh's resignation is that Yemen is "because he was considered a critical ally in fighting the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda." (Fret not, however, for the State Department's stated position is that fighting al Qaeda in Yemen "goes beyond any one individual.") Student protestors, meanwhile, are "really very, very angry" with the U.S. for dragging its feet. [NYT; image via AP]