[There was a video here]

Here's a charmer from Courtney Love's video channel for recovery website TheFix.com: Answering a fan's question about how long she has been sober, Courtney goes on a ramble about the time she saved Kelly Osbourne's life, and it was just like the movie Pulp Fiction.

This girl I know, Kelly Osbourne, I've saved her life twice—the answer is '05, since October 2005—physically, putting things into her boobs or whatever, Oxycontin, coke, foaming at the mouth.

What a shame. Between this and her proclaimed desire to snort Kurt Cobain's ashes, Courtney's crackhead delusions have really been lacking in originality lately. Take it from Lady Gaga: Modern pop culture is but an elaborate homage to the badasses of pop culture past. [The Fix]