Google co-founder Larry Page is set to take over as CEO of Google when Eric Schmidt steps down on April 4th. He's already started instituting some changes to streamline bureaucracy in an attempt to help the massive company return to its startup roots. And according to the Wall Street Journal, Page doesn't want Googlers distracted during meetings:

The 38-year-old has also embarked on a tour in recent weeks to hear from managers about problems they face and has asked that employees develop new practices for meetings, such as designating a decision-maker and refraining from working on their laptops, these people said.

He's also ordered his engineers to pitch him projects in efficient, 60-word emails. Seems like Page has had a change of heart since the time he famously refused to look up from his PDA while talking with media mogul and fellow billionaire Barry Diller. Page probably realizes as well as we all do that since Google built a chat client into Gmail nobody gets any work done on their computers any more.

[Image via Getty]