In your improbably snowy Wednesday media column: CNN's new strategy, all important and unimportant NYT news, HuffPo tells AOL freelancers their fate, Jane Pratt's back, and an honest journalism job ad.

  • CNN has a new boss, Ken Jautz, and he has a new strategy for relevance: "being different." Which means, he says, less of an emphasis on politics and more on breaking news. This actually seems like a good plan. Because god knows we don't need any more assholes talking about politics on cable news.
  • Today in NYT news: Pinch Sulzberger is speaking out about the paper's online paywall, and the paper is contemplating doubling down on its e-book business.
  • Today in NYT-related puffery: NYT editor Bill Keller's wife Emma is still keeping busy on the Twitter. Also, Pinch Sulzberger should perhaps consider a new haircut.
  • Huffington Post editors held a conference call this afternoon for AOL freelancers, to explain what the hell will be happening going forward. The takeaway: AOL's City's Best is going to be moving away from a freelancer model and "more towards a staff model," which will likely be rolled out in NYC, LA, Chicago, and Denver in the next three months or so. In terms of exact details of that model, "we've not developed a plan at all yet," says HuffPo. So if you're a freelancer on one of those sites, start applying now.
  • Former Jane editor Jane Pratt is invading your computer screens, if you so choose! Pratt is starting, "a Web site aimed at the gulf between the Cosmopolitans and Jezebels of the world." Which is a wide gulf! We will await its filling with anticipation.
  • Here is a very honest ad for a journalism job in the state of Florida.

[Photo: AP]