Mike Huckabee, the nation is with you! Natalie Portman and her shameful ilk, that is to say unwed mothers, are approved of even less than gay parents these days, according to a new Pew study.

There's fancy science language involved here, so let's see it broken down by MSNBC:

The survey found that when it comes to opinions overall on non-traditional families, such as those with gay and lesbian parents, single mothers, and unmarried parents, the country is split three ways: a third of Americans (dubbed Acceptors by Pew) are comfortable with a wide variety of family situations, a third (Rejectors) consider non-traditional arrangements to be damaging to the country's social fabric, while the final third (Skeptics) are mixed in their views - approving of some arrangements, but not others.

When it comes to families like Pougnet's, the news is all good. The vast majority of Acceptors and Skeptics believe gay and lesbian families are at least OK - and might even bring something positive to society.

But single mothers are less accepted, the poll found. That's where Acceptors and Skeptics differ the most, says Paul Taylor, executive vice president of the Pew Research Center.

"If you took out the question about single mothers, there would be only two groups: Acceptors and Rejectors," Taylor says.

While 98 percent of Acceptors think there's nothing wrong with women raising their children alone, 99 percent of Skeptics and 98 percent of Rejectors believe that's bad for society. (The survey only asked about single mothers, not single fathers.)

Wow! Goooooo gays! And sucks to be you, single moms. (Seriously, in many situations, it probably does suck to be you.)

Obviously the best part of this whole thing is that they only asked about single moms, as single fathers are just single moms in pants, because only women take care of kids.

But yeah, it's good that in these troubled times we're focusing our ire on the true villains: public school teachers and single mothers. We shall prevail!