Is Louisiana Governor/exorcist Bobby Jindal corrupt? Obviously not, no—who ever heard of a corrupt Louisiana politician?—and yet The New York Times seems to be strongly implying that he is:

Louisiana's biggest corporate players, many with long agendas before the state government, are restricted in making campaign contributions to Gov. Bobby Jindal. But they can give whatever they like to the foundation set up by his wife months after he took office...

The foundation has collected nearly $1 million in previously unreported pledges from major oil companies, insurers and other corporations in Louisiana with high-stakes regulatory issues, according to a review by The New York Times.

How could anyone possibly question the ethics of this situation? The first lady's foundation is "completely nonpolitical [and] nonpartisan," Jindal's press secretary told the commies at the Times. "Anything other than this reality has plainly been dreamed up by partisan hacks living in a fantasy land." Indeed, surely donations from large corporations like AT&T or Marathon Oil are mere coincidence. Dow Chemical, the "largest petrochemical company in Louisiana," has a lot of money! Maybe it just, you know, accidentally ended up giving $100,000 to the Supriya Jindal Foundation for Louisiana's Children. And yet, "ethics watchdog groups say the contributions are no accident." Ethics watchdog groups... or partisan hacks living in fantasy land?

[NYT; image via AP]