A Staten Island couple was arrested after taking their six-year-old daughter to a police station in an attempt to scare the girl into behaving. Annette Gerhardt and Gerardo Santiago were charged with child endangerment for bringing the tot into the station.

Gerhardt says she brought her daughter to the station to tell her that's where "bad girls go," and hoping that would make her start being a good girl. The cops say she brought the kid in and left her there, telling her that if they didn't take her she'd leave her at fire station instead. The police put her and her finance in handcuffs and sent the daughter to her grandmother's house while the parents waited to be arraigned. Gerhardt and Santiago are familiar to the cops, since they were busted with a half pound of weed in their house in April. Alright, who in this scenario needs to learn their lesson?

[NYDN, image via Shutterstock]