Valentine's Day Gift: Jake Tapper's Wife Joins Twitter

Jennifer Tapper, wife of ABC White House correspondent Jake Tapper, has given her husband the best gift of all for Valentine's Day: She joined Twitter. And tweeted at him. It is the love story of our time.
Here is how the Tappers—who are quite possibly the most perfect couple in all of Washington, D.C., with a precocious, apple-cheeked baby and a home beautiful as a hotel lobby—celebrated this year's Feast of St. Valentine:
Jake, for you I signed up for twitter. Happy Valentine's Day. Love Mrs. Tapperless than a minute ago via web

@jaketapper I signed up for twitter for you on V day. Love you!less than a minute ago via web

and speaking of thankless amazing patient brilliant gorgeous wife, ladies and gentlemen: @MrsTapperless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

I like to imagine the romantic gesture started with a conversation like this:
Jake: Honey, you should Twitter!
Jennifer: Oh, gosh, no. Oh, no, I just couldn't.
Jake: Pleeeease?
Jennifer: Well, maybe for a special occasion...
So let us celebrate the debut of @MrsTapper. She's already stumping for her favorite causes—like raising funds for your local chapter of the Girl Scouts—with the help of doting husband @JakeTapper:
.@MrsTapper asked me to tell u if you click on this Kraft recipe you'll raise money for local Girl Scout chapters > than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Whitest people in the world, those two. Happy Valentine's Day, you crazy kids. [Image via Home & Design's "Private Tour: At Home with Jake Tapper"]