In case you missed the Golden Globes on Sunday, Natalie Portman told a not-funny joke during her acceptance speech and then let out a horrendous cackle. Naturally the hivemind of the internet latched onto it and a meme's been born.

Here is the original laugh. While accepting her trophy for Best Actress, she joked that no one thought her fiance, dreamy ballet dancer Benjamin Millepied and Black Swan costar, was a good actor, but in the movie, he has to say he doesn't want to sleep with her when, obviously, he totally wants to sleep with her. Hilarious! Here's what came out of her mouth next.

Leave it to the buffoons at College Humor to put the the laugh on a loop and mix it up with reaction shots from the broadcast to make it look like Hollywood's elite was being tortured by the noise.

Now there is a three-minute-plus supercut with Natalie laughing over and over again. After about a minute, it becomes a zen-like exercise where you just let yourself go as the sound of Natalie's outburst washes over you again and again.

Here is a very important question: Which is more annoying, Natalie Portman's Golden Globe guffaw or Miley Cyrus' salvia video snicker? I vote Portman. Here's a video comparison so that we can all play judge and jury.

The awful Portman laugh shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Her real laugh is just as bad as her fake laugh she uses when acting. Check out this clip from her first film role in The Professional.

Here's an interview she did with some clown called Jake the Movie Guy for her new movie No Strings Attached. She let's out a bunch of nervous laughs at the beginning of the clip. The only thing that's more awkward are Jake's horrible questions.

That's all we have for now folks. We're sure the internet will provide us with more, especially if she decides to crack herself up when she accepts her Oscar—unless the threat of her guffaw keeps her from winning.