This oft-overlooked demographic may just finally get the TV show they deserve. Also today: a new Charlie's Angels is bad for America, more news about Law & Order: Los Angeles shake-up, and superhero sneak peeks!

This is actually somewhat intriguing. Fox has ordered a new pilot called I Hate My Teenage Daughter, about Sarah Palin's life in August and September of 2008. Ha, no, it's actually about two moms who have teenage daughters who act just like the little bitches that made their lives hell in high school. Basically: what do you do when your kid's clearly an asshole? It's an interesting parental conundrum! Personally, the minute I see my little Rudiger or Henrietta (good names, right?) trying to wear the hip jeans or rock the cool hair or rolling their eyes at anything but other kids trying to be cool, I will send them down to the root cellar and lock them there for three days, where they will subsist only on potato bugs and radiator water until they've learned to be the shy, self-effacing awkwabots I know they're capable of being. Father's Day is going to be a barrel of presents every year, I'm sure. [Deadline]

This is not in the least bit intriguing. ABC has ordered a new pilot called Charlie's Angels. Yes, it's a rehash of the 1970s campfest about an evil, unseen pimp who forces three of his trafficked girls to risk their lives in dangerous situations for profit and for his own cruel delight. Then the girls are reined back in by Charlie's brutal henchman, Bosley. Well, actually, if the show was that dark I might actually watch it. Something tells me they're going to go the more Hawaii Five-O reboot route, something flashy and sexy with lots of electric guitar. It's going to be set in Miami, so maybe Charlie will be voiced by David Caruso? That would be pleasing. [THR]

Yesterday we learned a little about the bloodbath that went down at Law & Order: Los Angeles, today we are given some hope. Alfred Molina will no longer be the DA on the show... because he's going to be a cop! Yeah, they're going to do some storyline where it's revealed that he used to be a detective and wants to go back to it. Which means Terrence Howard will be the sole DA on the show, appearing in every episode instead of just half of them. Meaning the production's baby wipes budget just went up 100%. Didn't think about that angle, did you guys? [EW]

Here's a first photo of Chris Evans in full Captain America gear. Man, this movie is going to be really silly isn't it? I mean, his name is Captain America. And it sort of looks like he's wearing the Chilean flag! Doesn't it? Maybe this one is all about Chris Evans fighting for the rights of disenfranchised copper miners. Maybe. [Geek Tyrant]

So they're doing a movie based on that Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter book and now they're trying to cast the title role. The actors they're in talks with are: sexy tree trunk Benjamin Walker, who just finished playing presidential in the Broadway musical Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson; James D'Arcy, who's mostly done British TV stuff; Adrien Brody, who is... well, you know who he is; Oliver Jackson-Cohen, who hasn't done much yet but play a sexy bartender in Going the Distance; poor man's Matthew McConaughey Josh Lucas; and Timothy Olyphant, who is one of the best pants-wearers in the business. So the age range is like 24-40 here, which is strange. Who do you want to see play Lincoln? My vote is, as always, Meryl Streep. [Deadline]

I guess it's just superhero first-look day here at Ricky L.'s Hollywood Newz Saloon. Here's a first photo of British sex pixie Andrew Garfield in his Spider-Man outfit. Actually seeing it in a photo is strange, in that it makes it real. They really are doing another Spider-Man origin movie, just nine years after the last Spider-Man origin movie. A lot of people talk about comic books and superheroes and say they're our modern mythology and stuff, which I always thought was a bit grandiose and silly, but here we go again, getting ready to huddle around our communal flickering blue fire and hear this old tale once more. So maybe Spider-Man and the rest of the superheroes are characters in present-day myth cycle. Just like Charlie's Angels? [Slash Film]

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