The picture at the center of Miley Cyrus' first nude picture scandal is very likely fake. It first emerged from the depths of the Internet message board 4chan, where horny sleuths created this elaborate diagram to prove its authenticity.

(Click to enlarge: Warning—very big!)

We've numbered the panes in the infographic to show step-by-step how it "proves" the woman in the picture is the newly-18-year-old singer:

1) An in-depth analysis of the decor shows the picture was snapped in a room in the Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid, Spain. Youtube videos and news accounts indicate Cyrus was at Westin Palace Hotel last month.

2) This is the best one: The woman in the photo is holding an iPhone 4, which is 4.5 inches tall. Using the iphone as a measuring stick, the graphic indicaes the woman in the photo is 5' 5". Cyrus is 5' 5", too!

3) Also, Miley owns an iPhone 4, and since only one iPhone 4 was ever made, it's got to be her.

4) This panel apparently shows that Miley Cyrus has the same nail polish as the woman in the photo. (Sort of a stretch.)

5) Both the woman in the photo and Miley have black wristbands.

This graphic was circulating around 4chan for a while before it was picked up by gossip blogs this morning. But Gossipcop's sources say its a fake—most notably because the woman in the photo lacks a tattoo that reads "just breathe" under her left breast. And also, it's 4chan.

So, file this with sending Justin Bieber to North Korea as one more 4chan-perpetrated celebrity hoax. Another testament to the power of 14-year-old boys with way too much time on their hands.

Update: the picture is actually some random 19-year-old British girl who sort of looks like Miley Cyrus.