Oh, Canada. They're always so smug and convinced they can outdo the U.S. But when it came time to formulate a Canadian version of Jersey Shore, they got all PC, casting people of different ethnic backgrounds. Know what? It's worse.

Lake Shore, the least important sociological experiment of our time, follows the lives of eight wild kids in Toronto as they go to clubs, get boozy and hook up. But unlike its American counterpart which pissed off Italian-American groups by depicting the lifestyle of Italian(ish) "guidos," Lake Shore chose participants from a variety of different backgrounds. It's meant to show what a vibrant and diverse place Toronto is—because we honestly thought that everyone who lived there was made of snow—but it really just allows us to make horrible stereotypes about all sorts of different ethnic groups.

Here are the castmembers:

Sibel, the Turk: She actually says, "I'm not racist. I hate everyone equally—especially Jewish people." An honor to her people.

Joey, the Italian: He's a construction worker and calls himself the "No. 1 WOP." What, does Jersey Shore have the copyright on the word "guido"?

Anni Mei, the Vietnamese: Asian girls hate to see themselves depicted as cartoonish creatures that giggle. Oh wait...

Tommy Hollywood, the Czech: I don't know anything about Czechs, but apparently they all hail from Doucheland.

Robyn, the Jew: No, she isn't a walking, loud-mouthed Jew joke at all!

Salem, the Lebanese: They should call him two-fer because he's both Lebanese and (probably) gay.

Karolina, the Pole: How do you get a one-armed Karolina out of a tree? Wave.

Downtown D, the Albanian: I don't know that I've ever met an Albanian, but now I don't want to.

Congrats, Canada. You're just as horrible as the rest of us.