The San Francisco baseball Giants just won the World Series! So, of course, San Francisco has decided to riot. And because San Francisco is the urban epicenter of social media technology, San Franciscans are checking in to riots on FourSquare.

And not just that!They're, obviously, Tweeting about the whole thing (using the trending topic #sfriot). But that seems almost old-fashioned now, doesn't it? Actually checking in to a goddamn riot on FourSquare? That's cutting-edge.

Via IntoMobile and Casey Kelley, this is what the future of sports riots looks like:

Not very exciting, huh? Well, check out these TwitPics, which are supposedly from the ground (found by Mashable):

[Image by AlecDet]

[Image by Mager]

[Image by Fredsharples]

As IntoMobile points out, the riot's made it to video-streaming service Ustream, too; and people are also listening to the police scanner online. We've made it to the future! And it's just like the past, only more irritating.

[Mashable; IntoMobile]