

Hudson Hongo · 08/09/16 05:05PM

Read the news on any particular day and it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that the world is Bad. We can do our best to resist the Badness and maybe even contribute some Goodness, but while all of us (Peter Thiel excluded) will one day die, the Badness will surely live on forever. This, my friend, is where the bubbles come in.

Gawker Gift Guide: Gizmodo Edition

Taylor Berman · 12/16/13 04:45PM

To make sure everyone buys everyone the best gifts ever, this year Gawker has divided the universe of potential gift recipients into readers of our Gawker Media brother and sister sites.

Leah Beckmann · 06/20/13 09:01AM

Gizmodo is hosting a Q&A with movie location scout Nick Carr, the location sleuth behind Scouting NY. Go and ask him stuff.

The 31 Most Powerful Promo Seconds You'll See This Afternoon: Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers, The Commercial

Rich Juzwiak · 03/18/13 01:45PM

Tech makes you giddy. Tech makes you fly. Tech makes you sumo wrestle. These are just a few of the things I learned in the whiplash-inducing commercial for the BBC America show Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers, which premieres tonight. (Full disclosure: Gizmodo is owned by Gawker Media and that is 100 percent of the reason why I am reviewing a commercial.) Apparently featuring at least one person (Joel Johnson) that I hear I work within feet of but cannot be sure of because there are too many crappy TV shows to watch and Mariah Carey gifs to make for me to swivel around and survey the Gizmodo area of the Gawker office, Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers none the less seems like it's full of swell, fun-loving people whose gizmos make them say, "Yeah!" "Whoo!" and "Holy crap!" Spoiler alert: It's pretty clear that the gizmos passed their tests. It's pretty clear that the show does, too: The breathlessly frenetic 31 seconds of this ad spot just fly by. It's an exquisitely paced commercial.

Why Did Apple Fib To Congress About the iPhone?

Ryan Tate · 05/12/11 06:23PM

When you're in a hole, stop digging. Apple, with its enviable PR, shouldn't need to learn that lesson, but apparently it does—if only to prevent the sort of inaccurate, overreaching Congressional testimony Bud Tribble delivered Tuesday.

Twitter Scales Mount Everest. Is Nowhere Sacred?

Remy Stern · 05/07/11 01:20PM

Climbing Mount Everest is one of the most physically challenging things a human being can do. You'd think that if there were one place on Earth where people would leave their phones at home, that would be it. Wrong. [Gizmodo]

This Is What It Takes to Shoot Royal Love

Remy Stern · 04/29/11 03:22PM

In case you weren't aware, two rich and good looking people in England just got married, and everyone in the world went into a frenzy about their hats and hair and shoes. So photos were key! Here's the gear. [Gizmodo]

Senator Chuck Grassley Is the Worst Twitter User in America

Remy Stern · 04/29/11 02:08AM

Last year, 77 year-old Iowan senator Chuck Grassley vowed to do anything for reelection-including picking up Twitter. We almost wish he hadn't. Grassley's 1,147 tweets are possibly among the most incoherent, confounding, mind-boggling text on the internet. [Gizmodo]

A Miniature Cross Section of a New York Street

Remy Stern · 04/28/11 03:58AM

This is a diorama inspired by New York's Canal Street. It doesn't just miniaturize the street though, it also includes the underside of New York City, too—the labyrinth of subways that make the wonderful city move. [Gizmodo]

I Sat on a $6,400 Toilet and It Changed My Life

Remy Stern · 04/14/11 05:50PM

Let's get one thing straight-Kohler's Numi toilet isn't for you. Unless you're a Saudi oil sheik, lottery winner, or generally filthy rich person, you won't consider a toilet that costs half a year's rent. But it's spectacular. [Gizmodo]

Libyan Rebels Have Hacked Gadhafi’s Cellphone Network

Remy Stern · 04/13/11 04:42AM

When Colonel Gadhafi seized control of the internet and jammed cellular networks, it left 2 million Libyans without secure wireless communication. Now a Libyan telecom executive has come up with a plan to take back control of the airwaves. [Gizmodo]

How Does the Mona Lisa Look Without Mona Lisa?

Remy Stern · 04/06/11 10:48PM

Recognize this oil on canvas painting? Believe it or not, it's perhaps the best-known Leonardo da Vinci painting this side of The Last Supper. Yes, it's the Mona Lisa without Mona Lisa, as interpreted by Adobe Photoshop. [Gizmodo]