Republicans officials recognize that the country is hurting. They were very clear today, after the invitation to their election night event leaked, that they will not be "partying" there. They will just have a huge event at the Grand Hyatt.

CNN obtained an invitation (PDF), sent by the National Republican Congressional Committee, for the GOP's "Election Night Results Watch," hosted by the likely new Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and Mississippi Governor (and Republican Governors Association head) Haley "Boss Hogg" Barbour. Since those two are basically human mosaics of lobbyist money, it should be a fun victory night, with all the right people on hand.

The NRCC, however, wants you to know that they will be de-funning the party immediately beforehand, to ensure that not an atom of fun makes its way in:

Although the invitation, obtained by CNN, asks Republican guests to come in appreciation for "making calls, knocking on doors, [and] selling the fight," GOP sources say they will do their best to keep the atmosphere low key.

"This event is not a fundraiser and it is not a ‘party' – even if voters remove Democrats from power, you don't celebrate at a time when one in 10 Americans are out of work and our children's future is threatened by mountains of debt," NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain told CNN.

Oh come on, just have your party and enjoy it, guys. As the American Spectator's Philip Klein points out, the GOP clearly picked the most epic celebratory party-of-a-lifetime space for this night, so they might as well use it:

However, ABC reports that this time Nancy Pelosi is expected to attent a "Speaker's Cabinet Election Watch Reception" at the Liaison Hotel, a boutique hotel on Capitol Hill with a total of 10,000 square feet of event and meeting space, according to its website. By contrast, John Boehner will be at a Republican gathering at the downtown Grand Hyatt, which boasts 42,000 square feet of event space plus an additional 7,609 square feet of prefunction space.

Use it all, NRCC. Use it all. It would be fiscally irresponsible otherwise.