Maybe the Sports Illustrated Guy Should Edit Newsweek, Sure

In your cooling Tuesday media column: the Daily Beast-Newsweek fallout shakeout, the hero of the Enron story moves to Slate, Lou Dobbs reveals widespread stupidity, HuffPo's investigative demise confirmed.
- The day-after news on the collapse of the Daily Beast-Newsweek merger talks: the NYP says Jack Welch was advising Barry Diller, and advised him to pull out of the deal; Newsweek, though, says it pulled out of the deal. Meanwhile, Newsweek's reportedly pursuing SI editor Terry McDonnell. Which is kind of a weird choice. SI barely covers the Historical Jesus at all.
- Slate has hired Bethany McLean, who more or less broke the Enron scandal when she was at Fortune, as its new business writer person, replacing the departed Daniel Gross. They also signed Anne Lowrey. Hey, good stuff.
- Guess who this quote is from? "If everyone at CNN had been fired for stupid things, they wouldn't have anyone to fill up the air." Lou Dobbs, ladies and gentlemen.
- Ryan Tate's post yesterday on the end of the standalone HuffPo Investigative Fund has been confirmed.