Police in Manchester, England decided to live-tweet every incident they responded to in a 24-hour period using a special Twitter account. Guess what? Cops' jobs are pretty dull!

Metro collected the "best" tweets from the period, which are moderately entertaining.
Here are some random samples from @gmpolice:

Call 227 man seen hiding in factory grounds in Sale

Call 241 problems with a customer at a cafe in Manchester

Call 424 report of loose dogs on a road in Blackley

Call 3026 Suspicious man wearing cape in Bolton - police attended and no sign of man

Call 384 report of man holding baby over bridge - police immediately attended and it was man carrying dog that doesn't like bridges

Call 1634 suspicious men carrying a snake, Bolton

But by far the best thing to come out of this experiment is the inevitable spoof account.

Call 76 Hysterical teenager threatening to jump from M62 bridge. Will speak only to Justin Bieber. UPDATE: Girl pushed

Call 56 Complaint that "its not like the old days"

Call 17 Complaint from elderly citizen that we are tweeting too fast

Greater Manchester Police weren't too thrilled, even telling the spoofer to take down its crest from their Twitter page.

Seriously, though, Twitter can make anything boring. (We follow an International Space Station astronaut on Twitter and it seems like all he does is stare out the window.) They're going to have to make twelve episodes of Law & Order: Los Angeles to cancel this out.

[Photo via Getty]