Virginia Congressional candidate Krystal Ball writes of those who posted her dildo-sucking naughty Santa pictures: "They wanted me to feel like a whore. They wanted me to collapse in a ball of embarrassment and to hang my head in shame."

Is it really sexism every time someone publishes an embarrassing picture of a woman? Maybe the person who leaked her dildo-nosed reindeer pictures was "slut-shaming" (Ball is a Democrat; the pics first surfaced on a right-wing website), but I find it insulting to my womanity that it's fine to ridicule male politicians in almost any context, but not okay to point out even the most obvious of female politicians' bloopers. Because, c'mon, there's a dildo attached to a man's nose and between the lips of a person who wants to be in Congress. If that's not worth laughing at, what is? I'm not sure I could dream up a more embarrassing situation than a simulated sex act involving a Santa and a dildo-nosed reindeer if I tried. Until we can mock female politicians at least sometimes, there is no equality in the world.

We're nothing if not equal-opportunity mockers here. We teased Rep. Aaron Schock for his gay teal belt, snickered at Karl Rove for getting beaten up by a little girl, and spent a year referring to Scott Brown as "Naked Dude." If a female politician wears something funny or did something silly in college, we will gladly ridicule her for it, too.

And if you come across a picture of Scott Brown sucking a dildo strapped to someone's face? E-mail it to us and we'll publish it, too. With well-groomed pubes like these, you know he's camera-ready at all times. [HuffPost]

Previously: 9 Pictures of a Politician Sucking a Dildo Attached to Her Husband's Nose