'Radical Gay' Student Speaks Out About the Creepy Attorney General Who Bullied Him

Chris Armstrong, the openly gay University of Michigan student body president who was systematically harassed by a Michigan assistant attorney general, was on CNN last night to denounce bullying. Watch his interview and his attacker try to defend his position.
Anderson Cooper himself talked to Armstrong on AC360. Armstrong was the target of Andrew Shirvell, a man who created a blog and publicly protested Armstrong for no good reason. Armstrong says he wanted to speak out as a result of all the attention the media is currently paying to gay teen bullying and related suicide. Cooper also shows us Shirvell talking about why he launched his attack and Shirvell's boss, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, on why he hasn't fired Shirvell. Both had appeared on AC360 previously to discuss the case.
I won't bother getting into Cox's bullshit excuse that Shirvell can't be fired because of his First Amendment rights. (Suffice to say, if Shirvell was saying the things he said about Armstrong about a member of another minority group, he'd have been fired in seconds.) But it's worth noting how inspiring Armstrong's appearance was, and how Cooper took a bold stance. We don't say this a lot, but, good for you, Andy.
[There was a video here]