Child Rescued from Interior of Toy Claw Machine 'Was Happy to Be There'

Firefighters rushed to a Wisconsin Walmart to free a little boy who had crawled into one of those toy vending machines with the giant claw. He was having so much fun playing there, he did not want to come out.
Madison-area WLFI News reports that the 9-year-old boy wriggled in through "the one foot by one foot hole where a prize toy is usually dropped."
"We actually tried to get his attention a few times 'cause he was playing, so I mean he was happy to be in there, but I don't think mom and dad were too happy," said Lt. Dan Cotter, Sun Prairie Fire Department.
"He just crawled in there. He wanted the toys. Well, I didn't know until I went to get him that he was inside the machine," said mother Jennifer Hanson.
The child got to keep two toys from the machine. Here's a clip from WLFI's report about the child, featuring footage of the little boy walking proudly away in a shirt that reads, "NUFF SAID." Disappointingly, there is no (publicly released) video of the child inside the machine.
[There was a video here]