Carl Paladino, the thick-browed dangerous thug who is an alarmingly serious candidate for New York's governorship, now says he might file trespassing charges against the New York Post. The same paper whose editor he threatened, yesterday! Carl Paladino is insane.

Yes, just last night we all saw the video of Carl Paladino telling Fred Dicker, the Post's man in Albany, that he would take him out, if he kept covering Paladino's daughter. In classic fashion, rather than apologize, Paladino's sickening campaign has decided to press this horse to the finish line:

Carl Paladino may file trespassing charges against a team of New York Post photographers who took "close-range" photographs of the Buffalo businessman's 10-year-old daughter inside her home.

NYP editor Col Allan denies that their photographer did such a thing. Now, let's be clear: the New York Post is a thuggish newspaper, whether they did what he says or not. Far be it from us to stand up for their political coverage. But Carl Paladino! Hello! You are running for governor of New York! Get used to it! I mean, god forbid you actually win, but in the awful event that you do, get used to it. If you cared that much about your daughter you wouldn't have run for governor in the first place. And that would have been great for everyone, because every single thing about your campaign—from your sickening opposition to the "Ground Zero Mosque" to your sickening hypocrisy to your sickening failure to even try to do anything except viciously attack your opponent in this race—is sickening. And don't threaten reporters! You fucking idiot! Act like an adult! You're a run of the mill racist mongoloid with a pile of money and no ideas in your head, except for powerlust, and a dash of xenophobia. We already had Giuliani. Give New York a break.

[Buffalo News. Pic: AP]