Bishop Eddie Long, the homophobic Georgia preacher accused of coercing young men into sex, made students at his LongFellows Youth Academy carry "sex self-check cards" that offered alternatives to having dirty sex. Four men have now filed lawsuits against Long.

Along with three other men accusing Long of coercing them into "kissing, masturbation and oral sexual contact," another young man, Spencer LeGrande on Friday filed a lawsuit against Long that claims they had "intimate sexual contact" while on a trip to Kenya. LeGrande says he was attracted to Long's ministry partly because his father wasn't around when he was young. He says Bishop Long told him "I got you. I will be your dad."

On the first night in Nairobi, Long asked LeGrande to come to his room, where the youth told the pastor he was having difficulty going to sleep, the suit states. Long provided Ambien, a sleep aid, and they both took the drug, according to the suit.

Long then gave LeGrande a hug, kissed and licked the youth's lips and rubbed the teen's chest, according to the lawsuit. They slept in bed together that evening and during the rest of the Kenya trip, the lawsuit states, adding they went on shopping sprees.

At the LongFellows Youth Academy, the lawsuits allege that Bishop Long seduced young men with cars, money and jewelry. He also had them keep a "SEX Self-Check Card" where they would list "3 things you could be doing instead of having sex." Long's spokesman, Art Franklin said in a statement: "Our position about the lawsuits has not changed. Bishop Long categorically denies the charges." Bishop Long is supposed to address the charges against him tomorrow at his New Birth Missionary Baptist Church.

Don't worry, Eddie. Ted Haggard has your back.


[Image courtesy BJ Bernstein]