Lindsay Lohan clearly thought she was getting off easy today, but after admitting to failing a drug test—thereby breaking her probation—the troubled starlet has been ordered to go back to jail. Update: The decision has been reversed.

Today was Lindsay's bail hearing before her October 22 hearing to deal with punishment for testing positive for cocaine and amphetamines. (The latter of which, it has been reported, was actually a fluke related to her legal Adderall prescription.) The AP reports:

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elden S. Fox ordered the starlet jailed during a court hearing Friday. Her next court appearance was set for Oct. 22. Fox did not set bail and Lohan will be jailed immediately.

This will be Lindsay's third stint in jail, and second this year, all connected to DUIs and failing to obey the conditions of her probation. [AP, image via Getty]

Update: TMZ reports that a judge just reversed the earlier decision sending Lindsay to jail, and will allow her to go home tonight on bail, provided she agrees to a number of conditions.