Facebook Twins Clutch Man Purses At Movie Screening

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, the devastatingly handsome twins who claim Facebook was their idea, lapse all too easily into self-caricature. Consider their outfits for a screening of The Social Network, which included, says an accompanying journalist, matching man purses.
Gliding in and out of the Facebook movie with "identical gray Tucano man purses," as BusinessWeek's Brad Stone described the bags, only reinforces the image of the strapping Harvard alumni as pretentious, entitled rich boys, the sort of spoiled fraternity brothers who would huffily demand an underserved share of the wealth built by their scrappier, aggressively casual classmate Mark Zuckerberg, now Facebook's CEO.
That image was lent further credence when the pair this year tried to overturn a Facebook settlement they'd agreed to barely two years earlier; it seems the stock shares they accepted now seem insufficient, even though they're now worth $120 million, as Nicholas Carlson at Business Insider reports. That's nearly double the value suggested in The Social Network's credits. The Winklevoss twins would reportedly like something closer to $475 million — all for asking Zuckerberg to build them a website during college seven years ago. With that kind of money, they could upgrade their bag set to Gucci.
Previously: The Dark, Troubled Past of the Winklevoss Brothers
[Photo of the twins via AP]