Newsweek Staffers Look Ahead to Doomsday (Friday)

In your foreboding Tuesday media column: Newsweek adds and subtracts, CBS does not win the ratings war, the WSJ's new weekend edition is ready to go, a conservative blogger seeks love from Meghan McCain, and Conde goes to the dogs.
- Mickey Kaus is now at Newsweek, making him Newsweek's last editorial employee. Kidding, barely! In further Newsweek
newsrumor: a tipster tells us that "All employees are going to be notified this Friday via email if they are being let go or if they have jobs and if so what they are." Mark your calendars! - The TV news ratings for the 09-10 season are in, and boy, are my arms tired! From waving frantically to CBS to alert them that their newscast with Katie Couric finished last again, by a huge margin! It won't be long now, Katie.
- The WSJ is all set to roll out the new and fancified weekend edition, and the NYO has mockups. Tagline: "More of what you love to do, buy and think about on the weekend." Particularly if you love to do, buy and think about large fonts!
- Oh look, a reporter at Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller is trying to get a date with Meghan McCain, via the internet. In a public love letter, Jeff Winkler writes...well, we don't get involved in that stuff. You can read it.
- Everyone knows that Conde Nast's headquarters are teeming with bedbugs. So now the company will thoughtfully allow dogs to patrol the halls at night, searching for the pests. Conde Nasties: animals.