Bristol Will Strip for Sarah Palin on Dancing With the Stars

Bristol Palin's Dancing with the Stars appearance gets sexier. Will Lindsay Lohan's failed drug tests destroy her career (more)? Donald Trump gets shut out of Wall Street 2. New Housewives cast-member. Let's explore Sunday Gossip Roundup with a smile!
- As you know, Bristol Palin is a contestant on Dancing with the Stars this season, and she made a big deal about how modest her outfit would be because, ABSTINENCE. And then it turned out to be not-so-modest, because, YOU GOTTA BE SEXY TO BE ON TV. Anyway, now we learn that in the season premier, Bristol "will rip off some 'tear-away clothes' while Sarah Palin sits in the audience". As long as this isn't on the cover of Newsweek, Sarah will be fine. [TMZ]
- Lindsay Lohan is going to AA, but it might be too late now that she's already failed two drug tests—including one for cocaine. Will her career be destroyed by drugs? (Honestly, it's interesting that we're still asking this—hasn't her career already been ruined by drugs?) This latest hiccup could derail her plans to host "Saturday Night Live", and star in that biopic of porn star Linda Lovelace. Perhaps we should not look at this as destroying her film career; we should look at it as opening up an exciting new career in shitty reality TV. Silver linings, etc. [TMZ, TMZ, TMZ]
- Well, Donald Trump never got back to us about our offer to pay him to shut up. But maybe Oliver Stone was listening. He cut The Donald's cameo from Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps because "it was distracting." It will be on the DVD now. [P6]
- Top Gun star Kelly McGillis and her girlfriend Melanie Leis got civil unionized in New Jersey. [E!]
- Kanye West may be dating model Selita Ebanks, but Page Six says he's got an unrequited love he met at a party for L'Wren Scott. They caught him telling someone "She's beautiful, half-Asian. Man, I don't know what to do." Page Six: It's like Craigslist Missed Connections for rich people. [P6]
- The father on a television show called Raising Sextuplets was busted for domestic violence charges. You know why he was so angry? Cause he has to take care of six fucking babies. That's not excuse; just some pretty powerful stimuli. If I were him, I'd keep a combat dummy in the back yard and just hack at it with machetes whenever the babies crapped at exactly the same time. (Which probably happens more than you think.) [Radar]
- Looks like Real Housewives of New York just got a new member: Cindy Barshop is a single mother and the owner and hair-removal spa chain Completely Bare. (Ouch.) To be honest, I've never watched this show so I couldn't give a Real Housewife's completely bare ass. [US]
- Speaking of housewives, the husband of Real Houswife of New Jersey Teresa Giudice was sentenced to 10 days in jail for driving with a suspended license. (His license was suspended after he crashed into a telephone pole while drunk.) [Radar]
[Photo of Bristol Palin by Splash News]