Racist emailer Carl Paladino, the GOP Tea Party candidate for governor of New York, is running his campaign like a true gentleman. No longer content with bestiality emails and stink-bomb mailers, Paladino has created a Cuomo-in-the-shower flier.

It seems Paladino is taking the term "political porn" literally these days. The Times Union's Capitol Confidential blog received this flier in an email from Paladino's campaign, and they asked a spokesman for comment. Paladino's man Mike Caputo had this to say:

We're going to continue beating on Andrew Cuomo until he comes out and answers questions and agrees to a series of debates. Every day, every week, we're going to come up with any creative solution we can to make that happen. Today, it's Andrew in the shower. Tomorrow, watch this space."

Awesome. We can't wait!

(Thanks to Glib and Bitchy for the tip)