Wikileaks Readies Biggest-Ever Leak of Military Intelligence

Secret-sharing website Wikileaks is preparing the "'biggest leak of military intelligence' that has ever occurred"—three times larger than the cache leaked by the site in July. What's in it? More terrible revelations about "abusive treatment of detainees," apparently.
The information comes via Newsweek's Mark Hosenthal, who spoke with Iain Overton, editor of The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a group working with Wikileaks. Hosenthal had previously reported that the documents portray the war as a "bloodbath," which, well... that's not exactly a secret, is it? But, writes, Hosenthal, "the most disturbing material relates to the abusive treatment of detainees, not by Americans but by Iraqi security forces." So, it's sort of a "beach read."
As with the July leak, which was comprised of around 98,000 military documents concerning the war in Afghanistan (only 76,000 of which have been posted to the site itself), Wikileaks is working with several mainstream news organizations to produce documentaries and stories from the information in the leak. (Wikileaks gave The New York Times, The Guardian, and Der Spiegel the first crack at the documents last time around.) Though it's not clear which media outlets are partnering with Wikileaks (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism is one, obviously), Overton says that some television networks are involved. (ABC Family, I hope!)
As always, if you have any information about this leak, or any other of Wikileaks' activities, feel free to leak it to our own Wikileaks leaks site, Wikileakileaks.