Bristol Palin's Dancing with the Stars outfit: Revealed. Whoopi Goldberg bought a huge Michael Jordan, Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick say everything's chill. A Playboy Playmate might sue Spencer Prat! Monday's Gossip Roundup is a labor of love.

  • Bristol Palin demanded a while ago to have "the most modest outfits for sure because that's who I am." Well, ABC just released the official DOWTS promo photos and, like on that show, you be the judge.
  • Whoopi Goldberg spent $2,300 on a life-size photo of Michael Jordan at Manhattan's NBA store. Seems like she could probably just meet him if she wanted to? [P6]
  • Playboy playmate Karissa Shannon is threatening to sue Spencer Pratt for stealing a sex tape featuring her and Heidi Montag from her house. Spencer is trying to sell the tape for $5 million. [TMZ]
  • If you're Paris Hilton what do you do after you're arrested for cocaine possession? Go to Hawaii! She was spotted in a Maui grocery store, buying "so many lemons." [Radar]
  • Labor Day, guys. So we take what we can get. For example, PopEater has a lengthy Op-Ed on if its creepy to speculatee on Jusin Bieber's love life. They ask 'Is he dating Kim Kardashian? Did Miley Cyrus steal him from Kim? Yuck!' First of all, everyone knows Justin's real rumored girlfriend is some Canadian girl. [Pop Eater]
  • Look like NBC's Today Show might be Lindsay Lohan's first post-jail interview. Set your DVRs. [TMZ]
  • Three days after his strip club bar with Jersey Shore's Angelina, Snooki's boyfriend, Jeff Miranda speaks out. Basically, Angelina is jealous of his relationship with Snooki, he says. Also, he showed everyone crazy text messages she sent to him professing her love to him. "Even her boyfriend was there in the room, and I showed him the messages as well." Seems like it was less jealousy and more you being an asshole. [Radar]
  • Kourtney Kardashian says everything you read about her and her husband Scott Disick splitting is wrong. "We've been working on our relationship… we're in a really good place right now and taking it day by day." Their secret? Counseling. And money. [People]
  • TMZ reports that TMZ boss Harvey Levin got a ticket for texting and driving in LA. Ha. We hear that Gawker owner Nick Denton was… just kidding, Nick! [TMZ]