Video Girl Barbie Doll is Tech Functionality Meets Totally Fabulous
Ever wish you could see through the eyes of a doll? Now you can! The new Video Girl Barbie has its own built-in video camera and LCD screen. You get the best of both worlds: fabulousness and functionality!
Mattel is trying hard to appeal to the new generation of web and technology savvy girls with Video Girl Barbie. However, for all those still young at heart toy lovers, it's definitely the best thing ever. This new Barbie can do it all: work hard, play hard, live in a gorgeous dollhouse, take scenic vacations with Ken, and record all of it on her handy necklace-cam. She's USB compatible and at only $50, cheaper than a lot of other webcams. She even comes with her own video editing software, which you can download on her website. The only downside to the software is that its only for PCs (sorry, Mac users).
[via iJustine]